Sunday, May 1, 2011

First Vacation

We just returned from our first "Family Vacation" with a little one of our own...and we survived and had a GREAT time! Lucy and I drove down to Hilton Head with my brother and parents and Scott flew down a few days later as he could only stay for part of the trip. The trip was supposed to be 17 hours but took us about 21 on the way down and 18 on the return trip home. Lucy did surprisingly well...much better than all of us anticipated. Sam didn't do too bad himself. Lucy is definitely a BEACH BABY she loved playing in the sand (and eating it too) and enjoyed the waves and the taste of the salt water. It was fun to bike around everywhere and to not have to strap Lu into the car all the time.

Here is a sneak peek of our trip...more fun pics to follow.

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